Thursday, May 30, 2013

Firefly: failsafe image for illumos-based distros

If somebody is looking for illumos-based filesafe image, I've created small iso (usb image is available also) at sourceforge. This image provides the same method as old Solaris iso's: looks for bootable root pool, imports it to /a and mounts bootfs:

I hope someone will find this image useful for recovery purposes on any illumos-based distributions.


Robin Smidsrød said...

I've created a fairly simple netboot recipe for Firefly using iPXE here:

Hope it might be useful for others.

atar said...

Nice! Are you going to make a SPARC iso as well?

alhazred said...

Unfortunately I have not any sparc system anymore...

Shadow Cat said...

Hi there, how do I install Firefly, IPS, and Xfce to my hdd?

alhazred said...

Look at

JimKlimov said...

Hi Alex,

I've recently tried the latest firefly image on a recent OmniOS bloody, and its rpool feature flags are not compatible with those supported by your image. Can you please re-spin with a more recent illumos-gate and/or publish the recipes for others to do so?

Can the image be built by a running system from its binary bits, like the old Solaris 10 failsafe images were generated?

Otherwise, it was not a hassle to run Firefly from the HDD: I created an rpool/ROOT/firefly and copied all the contents from the ISO image into it, and updated grub.conf accordingly:

title Firefly Recovery 14/01
bootfs rpool/ROOT/firefly
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix
module$ /platform/i86pc/amd64/firefly

Jim Klimov

JimKlimov said...

Also, it may be an issue especially regarding the "repair boot" intent, that Firefly only seems to provide 64-bit kernel bits in both the ISO and the compressed image (while userspace binaries have the usual 32-bit variants with 64-bit as needed).

JimKlimov said...

Well, in the end (just for kicks) I copied the current kernel from OmniOS into a clone of the firefly dataset, mounted the firefly image and updated the files in its /kernel and /platform with those available in OmniOS (not all drivers were available though), and the resulting BE is indeed bootable and able to import and mount the rpool with its features. Not surprisingly, however, it does not take into account my split-root setup (the rpool/SHARED/var/* stuff became just /a/var, while rpool/ROOT/omnios became /a/ROOT) but this suffices for testing or repairs.

Thanks Alex, great job preparing the bulk of the image and its logic! ;)

Here is what I did to update the image I had (locally installed per my comment above):

:; beadm mount firefly-151013 /a
:; gzcat /a/platform/i86pc/amd64/firefly > /tmp/ff.img

:; mkdir /tmp/a
:; mount /dev/lofi/1 /tmp/a

Added and ran this script in the image root:

:; cat > /tmp/a/ << EOF

# Update the kernel bits in this image with files from the running system
# (C) 2014 by Jim Klimov

for D in `pwd`/kernel `pwd`/platform; do
cd "$D" && \
find . -type f | while read F; do
RFP="/platform/$F"; RFK="/kernel/$F"; RF=""
[ -s "$RFP" ] && RF="$RFP"
[ -s "$RFK" -a -z "$RF" ] && RF="$RFK"
[ -n "$RF" ] && \
{ echo "+++ Got '$RF'"; cp -pf "$RF" "$F"; } || \
echo "=== No $RFP nor $RFK !"


:; cd /tmp/a && chmod +x && ./

:; cd /
:; umount /tmp/a
:; lofiadm -d /tmp/ff.img

:; cp -pf /platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix /a/platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix
:; cp -pf /platform/i86pc/kernel/kmdb/amd64/unix /a/platform/i86pc/kernel/kmdb/amd64/unix

:; gzip -c -9 < /tmp/ff.img > /a/platform/i86pc/amd64/firefly

:; beadm umount /a
:; rm /tmp/ff.img

If all went well, you are ready to reboot into this updated firefly (via manual selection at boot) as the good old locally-installed failsafe image :)


alhazred said...

Glad to hear that it helps you. As soon as the free time (laugh), I will try to update it

JimKlimov said...

Pardon me, the copy-paste above missed an important line:

:; lofiadm -a /tmp/ff.img

This returns the "/dev/lofi/1" (or some other device path) to use in the mount under it.

The filesystem in the image is UFS (mount -F ufs) if this is not detected automagically for some reason.

Also, before the described procedure, the BE apparently had to be cloned bofore mounting:

:; beadm create -e firefly firefly-151013

(The original "firefly" contained an rsync'ed copy of the ISO contents).

//Jim Klimov

Shadow Cat said...

Hello, Jim Klimov, you can, please, forward this info to my email?

Shadow Cat said...

Hello J.K,

May you at least run the complete command all over?

By the way ... great blog, Alex.

Keep the Systems Info coming ...

Thank You.

JimKlimov said...

By the way, for some reason (maybe mounting over CIFS on another box that I'm Firefly'ing now) I couldn't mount either 0114 nor 0215 ISOs as "hsfs"... no despair - "7z" can unpack ISO contents just nicely enough that lofi-mounting is not required in the above procedure to seed the firefly dataset with Alhazred's published build at all :)

I'll try to (re-)write it up consistently in a subsequent comment, when I test that all went well via 7z :)

@Alex: Is there any chance that you'd publish (or push into illumos) the recipe for creation of Firefly image contents from the bits available on the system, so it might some day be re-integrated with "bootadm update-archive" (as the failsafe images were built in Solaris 10 and SXCE) or some similar new tool, in order that the recovery kernel and drivers can stay up-to-date with each upgrade (in their own BE as I do now, or in the common BE as it was with failsafe images)?
Perhaps just push what source you have to Sourceforge or GitHub and let others figure it out at will? ;) Anyhow, thanks again! :)

JimKlimov said...

The variables in my write-up below are meant to be compatible with my split-rootfs maintenance scripts from - but do not dictate that those are used (although my "" there can simplify getting across any custom zfs attributes, if you used any - like copies or compression).
In fact, I've integrated the procedure outlined below into that project as "", to retain and especially maintain it in a better place than side-line comments ;) Still, copy-pasting from here should "just work" (though it does less error-checking and reporting along this way).

Have to split this post to be under 4Kb per chunk, however...

### Pre-requisite: Download the Firefly ISO image from SourceForge project
### to your $DOWNLOADDIR

### The latest baseline Firefly version from ISO filename e.g.
:; BEOLD=$(basename "`ls --sort=time --time=ctime -1 ${DOWNLOADDIR}/firefly*.iso | head -1`" .iso) # || die ...
#:; [ $? = 0 -a -n "$BEOLD" ] || die ...
### ... example resulting string:
#:; BEOLD="firefly_0215"

### The current BE name, will be used to pick up updated files
### to refresh the FF image, and to partially name the new FF BE
:; CURRENT_BE="`beadm list -H | while IFS=";" read BENAME BEGUID BEACT BEMPT BESPACE BEPOLICY BESTAMP; do case "$BEACT" in *N*) echo "$BENAME";; esac; done`" # || die ...

### The new Firefly BE to be updated with files from BEOLD

### Mountpoints. Current BE is assumed to be at root "/" :)
:; BENEW_MPT="/a"
:; BEOLD_MPT="/b"
### Here we'll lofi-mount the archive file
:; FFARCH_MPT="/tmp/a"
:; FFARCH_FILE="/tmp/ff.img"

# (to be continued)

JimKlimov said...

# (needs envvars prepared in the post above)

### Seed the initial image, if needed (as a reference base to clone)
:; if ! beadm list "$BEOLD" ; then
beadm create -d "FireFly FailSafe Recovery $BEOLD (from ISO)" "$BEOLD" && \
beadm mount "$BEOLD" "$BEOLD_MPT" && \
( cd "$BEOLD_MPT" && 7z x "$DOWNLOADDIR/$BEOLD.iso" ) # || die ...
beadm umount "$BEOLD"

### Clone and mount the new FF dataset to refresh the image from Current BE
:; if ! beadm list "$BENEW" ; then beadm create -d "FireFly FailSafe Recovery $BENEW (auto-updated from $BEOLD)" -e "$BEOLD" "$BENEW" ; fi
:; beadm mount "$BENEW" "$BENEW_MPT"
#:; [ -d "$BENEW_MPT" ] && ( cd "$BENEW_MPT" ) || die ...

### Prepare a copy of the Firefly image for modifications
:; gzcat "$BENEW_MPT"/platform/i86pc/amd64/firefly > "$FFARCH_FILE" # || die ...
:; mkdir -p "$FFARCH_MPT"
:; mount -F ufs "`lofiadm -a "$FFARCH_FILE"`" "$FFARCH_MPT" # || die ...

### Embed the update-script into the new image
:; echo '#!/bin/sh

# Update the kernel bits in this image (rooted at "current dir" == `pwd`)
# with files from the running system (rooted at "/")
# (C) 2014 by Jim Klimov

for D in `pwd`/kernel `pwd`/platform; do
cd "$D" && \
find . -type f | while read F; do
RFP="/platform/$F"; RFK="/kernel/$F"; RF=""
[ -s "$RFP" ] && RF="$RFP"
[ -s "$RFK" -a -z "$RF" ] && RF="$RFK"
[ -n "$RF" ] && \
{ echo "+++ Got $RF"; cp -pf "$RF" "$F"; } || \
echo "=== No $RFP nor $RFK !"
' > "$FFARCH_MPT"/

:; [ $? = 0 ] && ( cd "$FFARCH_MPT" && chmod +x && ./ ) # || die

### Clean up...
:; cd /
:; umount "$FFARCH_MPT" && lofiadm -d "$FFARCH_FILE" && rm -rf "$FFARCH_MPT"

### Note that i386 32-bit kernels are not supported by current Firefly
:; cp -pf /platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix "$BENEW_MPT"/platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix # || die
:; cp -pf /platform/i86pc/kernel/kmdb/amd64/unix "$BENEW_MPT"/platform/i86pc/kernel/kmdb/amd64/unix # || die

:; gzip -c -9 < "$FFARCH_FILE" > "$BENEW_MPT"/platform/i86pc/amd64/firefly # || die

:; beadm umount "$BENEW_MPT"
:; rm "$FFARCH_FILE"

:; echo "If all went well, you are ready to reboot into this updated firefly"
:; echo "(via manual selection at boot) just like the good old locally-installed"
:; echo "failsafe image :)"

JimKlimov said...

Some follow-up thoughts regarding the snippet above: on one hand, "beadm" manages the boot-manager (GRUB) entries for the newly created and destroyed BEs. On another, it seems to just copy the latest entry in the menu.lst file (e.g. one taken from my earlier post above, see comment#6) so the "modules$" line points to the "/platform/i86pc/amd64/firefly" image filename in the newly created menu entries. If that block is not inserted manually once (and to the end of the menu.lst file), the menu is likely not going to be nicely updated for this bootfs type. It seemingly may make sense to rename "firefly" into "boot_archive" for commonality of the menu-block structure, although it may as well be likely that a "bootadm update-archive" would then replace it with its own usual boot archive (or maybe not, since the file-list files are not present in this bootfs).

UPDATE: A quick experiment (cloning and updating the main OS BE, and then creating a new Firefly based on it) has shown that menu.lst is updated with correct snippets for both image types, each (in its proper turn) appended to the end of file. So beadm is smart enough for that. However, during a test with a pristine menu.lst where a Firefly block never existed, it did not guess the block we needed and just copied the usual OS bootfs lines. So at least once it has to be fixed to something like:

title Firefly Recovery 14/01
bootfs rpool/ROOT/firefly
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix
module$ /platform/i86pc/amd64/firefly

Also note that as recently discussed on mailing lists, some boot-loading routines may peak out at around 40 BE's - and separate fireflies would get you there twice as fast.

@Alex: looking at the ISO (or bootable firefly dataset) contents, I see that nearly the only unique file there is /platform/i86pc/amd64/firefly - the "unix" binary is copied over from the current kernel... in short, it does not seem "criminal" to save the "firefly" archive straight into the same BE dataset as the "applied" OS. Same as was done in Sol10/SXCE. I can think of some pros and cons regarding reliability (two copies of "unix" vs. one seems better, and protection from breakage of the BE dataset logical structure in case of a common rootfs more often written into) vs. simplicity (one rootfs for each software revision level, less rootfs'es overall), but still wanted to ask if you have some opinion on whether such Firefly images embedded onto rpool should be united with a rootfs or should live in a separate dataset?

alhazred said...

No, I prefer the old Solaris model where each BE has its own failsafe archive.

JimKlimov said...

Both solutions have their pro's and con's, that's why I asked. But yes, I'm rather used to private failsafe's in each BE (also seems to save space on needless boot_archive's generated by beadm in firefly datasets otherwise).

I've tested by copying the firefly archive into an identical path under the main OS BE and fixing up the menu.lst accordingly (and "beadm destroy"ing the firefly dataset for surety) - it boots up as expected of a different "module" archive with same "kernel" and "bootfs" as the production OS image. Subsequent beadm clone-ing of the main OS BE and the Firefly BE (based on the firefly dataset with customized boot-menu block) created proper menu entries as well.

As for automating boot-menu maintenance for "same-bootfs different-module" configuration without changing beadm itself... I am not sure how to portably go about that, beside scripting up an ad-hoc editor of menu.lst :(

As an aside, I hope Firefly would help migrate my other laptop from IDE mode to SATA mode booting, finally (other ways of booting - via USB-CDROM and USB-Flash - ended up reenumerating storage devices, so zfs rpool_mount failed to initialize it due to "bad" device path just as well) ;)

Shadow Cat said...

How do I run Slackware on top of Firefly?

Slackware seem to have an abundance of packages available.

JimKlimov said...

@ShadowCat : are you trolling? Why not go straight for Windows on top of Firefly? ;)

Firefly is a minimized illumos (Solaris-like) distro fit into a read-only image and tailored for one purpose: aid in recovery of botched Solaris-like installations that refuse to boot. It is not a Linux, it is not even a general-purpose OS. It is a tool, very useful in certain situations, but nothing more.

JimKlimov said...

@Alex, a couple of nits about Firefly contents:

1) Is it possible to build-in a more functional shell with proper command-line editing capabilities (I can press "UP" to scroll through history, but can't edit the resulting lines - only "ENTER" to apply them verbatim time and again) and tab-completion of paths? Bash would be nice ;)

2) When I exit the shell, nothing happens. IIRC, the Solaris Failsafes used to unmount and reboot (-p) in this case.

Jim Klimov

JimKlimov said...

Shameless plug: the which initially grew from my comments on this blog, reached a stage where it can be used to manage and update Firefly images "integrated" into the current rootfs or stored in a "standalone" dedicated BE (either of these can be a source/destination for the original/resulting image file), and relevant GRUB entries.

Currently the script is not very user-friendly (manageable via environment variables passed by the caller) and does not yet support maintenance of also alternate OS BE's not rooted at "/" (to do this also during upgrades stashed into an alt-root BE, as the rest on my split-root project scripts encourage and automate), but it is getting close to that point - and then it will become an optional step in successful finish ;)

JimKlimov said...

Yay, finally, my new script is mature enough to also manage an altroot'ed BE and so it got integrated with `` of my "illumos-splitroot-scripts" project - now if an original "firefly" image, dataset or archive is available, and a recent upgrade in a "$BENEW" succeeded, a custom-tailored failsafe image is created in that BE, and the needed GRUB entry is generated just after the main OS entry (because it is the last one in GRUB's "menu.lst" at this moment).
Magic, if I may say so! :)

Also, I found that the Firefly environment does already have bash - it just needs to be executed manually, and works fine both for history and tab-completion. Default shell at the moment is ksh93 which maybe suffers from unexpected (missing?) terminal settings, but overall sucks in terms of interactive usability.

JimKlimov said...

Tested that changing symlinks in the failsafe image (specifically /sbin/sh) to bash does not seem to break anything, and enables the nicer shell by default. So this went into image-modifications automated and perpetrated by the script ;)

JimKlimov said...

Yay - (little surprise here, but anyway) - Firefly did help switch over the rpool device paths as I changed hardware setups (dual-booted OI partition with another OS, so the same rpool can be physical IDE or SATA, or VirtualBox IDE or SATA).
Just like the recommended way of doing similar tasks also with Failsafe Boot, in Sol10/SXCE back in the day.

FWIW, I booted a VM instance of OI from the other OS as hypervisor, with the Firefly ISO as the boot device (since the OI installation previously booted from hardware now refused to import the rpool from VM device path to try and import the ISO contents from there). The resulting Firefly running image did not let me access the CDROM, but the runtime environment did contain the three pieces needed to make a firefly dataset: the kernel and its kmdb bits, and the mounted /dev/ramdisk:a which I dd'ed back and compressed as the firefly image file on the new dedicated bootfs (recognized and tested mountable as an UFS image).
Rebooted with this new HDD-based Firefly dataset - ok.
Exported the rpool and rebooted into proper OI. Got a stacktrace. (In hindsight, maybe I should have done some devfsadm and/or "bootadm update-archive -R /a" tricks before exporting - but did not do this explicitly in the entirety of the described procedure).
Rebooted again with "-kv" to enable debugging and see what goes wrong - but it booted okay.
Rebooted without "-kv" - still boots okay, now from VM hardware :)

So maybe the switchover is not entirely seamless, but quite workable without need for additional media in the process. And in my case of a constrained laptop, additional media means different hardware added-on, and thus different device paths from those seen in a standalone installation.

Jim Klimov

Unknown said...

Hi Alexander,
Your work on the failsafe boot is really interesting, I was wondering if you would be interested in having Firefly used in OpenIndiana ?
We could think about a way to schedule rebuilds the image with every Hipster release and allow easy installation from the repo.
Maybe Jim would be interested in helping out as well ?
Best regards


alhazred said...

yes, let me bring it to some order..

Shadow Cat said...

That is the whole point. Firefly runs on my hardware, OpenIndiana won't. Jim K has blindfolders on.

The best operating systems were spawned from hybrids.

Plan 9 from Unix System V 10
kfreeBSD from Debian & FreeBSD
Apple from Mach & DarwinBSD
Knoppix from Debian
Slax from Slackware

Jim K, why all that work? For bragging rights?

You can go off in a profusion of words, yet what is the bottom line? A sophisticated live Cd and a command line?

This is a developers playground, this garden of unix.

For your information Slackware has the best development eco-system in the desktop world.
It inspires quality builds.

Had Sun gone Slackware instead of Ian Murdock's crippled package manager, OpenSolaris would rule the operating system development kingdom.

Since you lack a vision, maybe you need a window?

Shadow Cat said...

Jim K., Windows on top of Firefly?

Lol, that is very funny. I am still ... lol. :)

JimKlimov said...

@ShadowCat: First of all, please refrain from personal insults. Second - maybe I do have blindfolds on... but like in the illumos/OI/omnios/... user and dev mailing lists (where this discussion belongs a lot more) there are a lot of "armchair specialists" sitting in "a peanut gallery" who want it all and do nothing to get it done. I was in that bunch once, more or less. I proposed ideas, argued for them a lot, learned a lot about how things work under the hood, and found out that unless someone makes a feature he proposes then nobody does (with a rare few exceptions). So I did what I could - POC'ed the solutions as scripts that I can bolt onto a standard installation to make it do what I want and like, and shared them so maybe someone later can integrate them into mainstream. So far fingers of one palm would suffice to count my ready-to-use and tested logic that was indeed copied as original code or closely reimplemented in the target projects.

There are a lot of illumos-based distros (and not only based on pkg(5) - but also on old SVR4, on Deb, on no packages altogether...) - and they are, like, real operating systems instead of tools made for a certain job and based on the same kernel (like Firefly is now, and Failsafe archive was before it as part of Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris SXCE). Did you try them all? Did you analyze why they don't work on your system, while Firefly apparently does? Did you post any detailed bugs and stir up discussion in the user/dev mailing lists?

The Firefly archives, at least after post-processing by my scripts, are literally a subset of the same OS as the main boot environment (tested in OI 151a9, OI Hipster and OmniOS) - driver and kernel files with the same names are copied into the boot archive originated from Alexander's ISOs, so that it has the same ZFS feature and HW driver support as the main installed OS. The only differences are that there is a special script for failsafe activity instead of the general-purpose "init", and a smaller set of modules and programs present in the archive overall.

As for Apple - well, I heard of that OS, and IIRC it took a lot of determined investment of hundreds of people and billions of dollars to make it interesting to an average-Joe customer. Others?.. How many installations of them exist? Are they more or less fringe OSes than illumos-based ones, maybe all put together - despite all the technological advantage? ;-( Are the teams behind them as big or small?

@Aurelien: I'd love to help, except I have no time due to dayjobs to feed a growing family, and no idea about how Alex makes Firefly from scratch ;)
Starting from a readily available Firefly ISO image and an installed OI or OmniOS, my scripts can take care of both updating the OS in an alternate BE, and keeping a firefly bootarchive up-to-date with those freshly installed upgrades.

Shadow Cat said...

I am in brownstudy.

J.K., that was very well argued.

I tender my apologies.

JimKlimov said...

@Aurelien: Regarding "We could think about a way to schedule rebuilds the image with every Hipster release and allow easy installation from the repo." - unless you deem it a lousy approach, I suggest to follow the precedent from Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris SXCE, where "bootadm" took care of updating both the boot-archive for general-purpose booting (along the lines of initial boot, zpool import and chroot), as well as the failsafe archive.

Many pieces of the original code and variables and even delivered files are still in the illumos-gate tree and installed distros, although during the few hours I dedicated to research I've failed to track down how/where/why this was disabled sometime back in history, probably as OpenSolaris project had split into SVR4 and IPKG based distros. Maybe it just stopped working for some reason and nobody cared to fix it, although somebody must have disabled generation of GRUB boot-menu entries for the failsafes, at least.

I do not know and did not get to dig deeply to find out if Alex took some version of the original Failsafe Boot operating environment code or rewrote it from scratch to look and feel similarly; one notable difference is that IIRC the later versions of Failsafe Boot environment offered a choice-menu of which BE can be mounted as the FS tree that the admin wants to repair (rather than using the current default BE), although maybe that was in place only for LU-maintained BEs (stored in dedicated partitions or mirrors thereof - which had to be split to mount in failsafe env and later had to be repaired)...

FWIW, revival or otherwise reintroduction of the Failsafe boot option was filed (even twice) as illumos issues and which I recently updated to point to Firefly (this thread and Sourceforge distribution point) and my Github project as at least some solution to the problem.

alhazred said...

I've put some scripts to the github, check

JimKlimov said...

One more bit of experience: the procedure outlined above, to maintain a failsafe archive for my system as I upgrade its OS over time, recently hit a wall with the archive running out of space so the copied-over current kernel did not fit.

So I went over my notes, greedily including these comments... which I'd inevitably look at again in a few years ;) and refined into the following:

### Fetch current firefly (e.g. 0516) from
### clicked in browser to get into "Problems Downloading?" and got a direct link for wget

:; mkdir -p /export/distribs/firefly-failsafe
:; cd /export/distribs/firefly-failsafe/ && wget -O firefly_05052016.iso ''

### Make and populate empty new rootfs
:; zfs create -o mountpoint=/ -o compression=off -o canmount=noauto -o org.opensolaris.libbe:uuid=1d2111c8-f169-43d7-e758-f7d8e4ff0516 rpool/ROOT/firefly_0516

:; beadm mount firefly_0516 /a
:; LOFI_FFISO="`lofiadm -a /export/distribs/firefly-failsafe/firefly_05052016.iso`"
:; mount -F hsfs -o ro "$LOFI_FFISO" /mnt/cdrom

:; rsync -avPHK /mnt/cdrom/ /a/
:; touch /a/reconfigure

:; umount /mnt/cdrom
:; lofiadm -d "$LOFI_FFISO"

:; zfs snapshot rpool/ROOT/firefly_0516@firefly-05052016-original

### Extend the "firefly" boot archive, with 512M here on top of its ~150M (no big deal, used as a compressed template anyway; however take care to balance it against the tmpfs storage overhead during upgrades)
:; gzcat /a/platform/i86pc/amd64/firefly > /tmp/fff
:; dd if=/dev/zero bs=4096 count=131072 >> /tmp/fff
:; LOFI_FFUFS="`lofiadm -a /tmp/fff`"
:; RLOFI_FFUFS="`echo "$LOFI_FFUFS" | sed 's,/lofi/,/rlofi/,'`"

:; growfs "$RLOFI_FFUFS"
/dev/rlofi/1: 1386000 sectors in 2310 cylinders of 1 tracks, 600 sectors
676.8MB in 145 cyl groups (16 c/g, 4.69MB/g, 2240 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -F ufs -o b=#) at:
32, 9632, 19232, 28832, 38432, 48032, 57632, 67232, 76832, 86432,
1296032, 1305632, 1315232, 1324832, 1334432, 1344032, 1353632, 1363232,
1372832, 1382432

### Can check the space
:; mount -F ufs -o rw "$LOFI_FFUFS" /mnt/cdrom
:; df -k /mnt/cdrom

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/lofi/1 650061 148447 501614 23% /mnt/cdrom

:; umount "$LOFI_FFUFS
:; lofiadm -d "$LOFI_FFUFS"

### Get the template back into place... tagging the timestamp back to see when the content originated
:; touch -r /a/platform/i86pc/amd64/firefly /tmp/fff
:; gzip -9 -c < /tmp/fff > /a/platform/i86pc/amd64/firefly
:; touch -r /tmp/fff /a/platform/i86pc/amd64/firefly

:; beadm umount /a
:; zfs snapshot rpool/ROOT/firefly_0516@firefly-05052016-expanded

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